Preparing for your first visit
You can expect the first visit with your ND to be approximately 60-75 minutes in length and encompass a thorough intake and history. Dr. Cen will be asking many questions about your health, please bring any recent lab results or diagnostic imaging to your appointment if you have them. Recommendations for referrals or further diagnostic tests may also take place. Dr. Cen will work with you for your individualized treatment plans based on your health goals.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to fill out the intake forms or you may print the intake forms and bring them completed to your first visit.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to fill out the intake forms or you may print the intake forms and bring them completed to your first visit.
Le Soleil Health & Wholeness forms:
Adult 16+_Intake_Form_Consent or Pediatric 0-15_Intake_Form
Health Matters Wellness Clinic forms (online booking will allow form to be filled out online prior to the visit):
Adult Intake_Form_HM or Pediatric_0-15_Intake_Form_HM
Dr. Cen looks forward to working with you to help you achieve your health goals today and explore preventative measures where applicable! Act now and feel better in no time.
Still not sure?
Send us an email for any questions or give us a call and see if it is the right fit for you. Thank you!